
JELENA DOKIĆ U SUZAMA: Zagrebe, moj drugi dome…

Objavljeno: 23.03.20 u 10:52

U nedelju ujutru stigle su vesti iz Zagreba, da je hrvatsku prestonicu pogodio snažan zemljotres.

Posledice potresa se mogu videti na brojnim građevinama, a nekadašnja teniserka Jelena Dokić mislima je uz porodicu i prijatelje.

– Usred vrhunca korona virusa, serija strahovitih zemljotresa pogodila je Hrvatsku juče, epicentar je bio Zagreb, prestonica, srce ove zemlje. Imam bliske prijatelje i porodicu tamo, moj partner je orđen u Zagrebu i ja sam rođena u Hrvatskoj, to je moja druga kuć, zato je teško gledati ove strahovite prizore, videti ulice kojima sam išla svakog dana kada sam dolazila na odmor, sada su uništene, bliski ljudi su bili na ivici teških povreda.

Scene ispred porodilišta posebno su potresle Jelenu.

– Grad je pretrpeo teška oštećenja, bolnice i crkve su u ruševinama, ljudi ne mogu da se vrate u svoje domove, žene koje su se tek porodile su morale da stoje sa bebama ispred bolnice po hladnoći, bolnice su u kolapsu. Hvala svima koji pomažu da se ponovo stane na noge, hvala sestrama, lekarima, vatrogascima, policiji… Šaljem vam svoju ljubav, molitve, dobre želje, Zagrebe, budi jak. Mi smo uz tebe, ne gubi veru. Poruka mojim hrvatskim pratiocima i svima koji me podržavaju iz ove zemlje, nadam se da ste dobro u ovim teškim vremenima. Drži se, Zagrebe – napisala je Jelena Dokić.

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On top of Corona virus,a terrible series of earthquakes hit Croatia yesterday and the epicentre was right in the heart of the capital city Zagreb. I have close friends and family there,my partner was born in Zagreb and I was born in Croatia,it’s my second home and it’s hard to watch these terrible images and see that the streets that I walk in every year when I go on holiday are so badly damaged and that the people that I know well were close to being badly hurt. It’s hard to comprehend that on top of what we are facing with Covid-19 that something like this can happen. The city is badly damaged,the hospitals and churches are in ruins,people have no home to return to and the women that have just given birth or that are about to give birth are standing outside in very cold conditions because hospitals have collapsed. Thank you to everyone who is helping rebuild and helping the most vulnerable and thank you to all the nurses,doctors,firefighters,police…..etc. I am sending all my thoughts,love,prayers and good wishes to Zagreb and stay strong.We are with you.Don’t lose faith. To all my Croatian followers and supporters,I hope you are all doing well in these terrible times. Drzi se Zagrebe!!! 🙏🙏😔😔😢😢💔💔💔💔 #zagreb #croatia #zagrebcity #sad #sadness #heartbreak #earthquake #terrible #disaster #secondhome #staystrong #prayforzagreb #prayforcroatia #croatia🇭🇷 #lovecroatia #🇭🇷 #zagrebearthquake #strong #unite #cometogether #gradzagreb #hrvatska #hrvatska🇭🇷 #love #staystrongcroatia #pray

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