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NEMAČKA POLICIJA U AKCIJI: Srpski navijač pokušao da pobegne, ali su ga uhapsili ispred stadiona! (VIDEO)
Totalni haos!
Srpski navijač priveden je u Gelzenkirhenu pred početak prvog meča Srbije na Evropskom prvenstvu.
Prema informacijama engleskih novinara, privedeno je ukupno šestoro srpskih navijača, a kako „Telegraf“ prenosi, još jedan se pridružio grupi pred ulazom na „Veltins Arenu“.
Nepoznati razlog je privukao pažnju nemačke policije koja ga je zaustavila.
Prema izveštaju, navodno je pokušao da pobegne, ali je lokalna policija uspela da ga zaustavi i privede, mada razlozi za privođenje još uvek nisu potpuno jasni.
Lots of reports of Albanian fans ambushing bars where Serbian and English fans are drinking in Gelsenkirchen. 🤬
Please stay safe if you’re over there watching the game today. 🙏🏴pic.twitter.com/140B09a3VG
— The Away Fans (@theawayfans) June 16, 2024
Podsećamo, ranije tokom dana došlo je do incidenta u gradu između srpskih, engleskih i albanskih navijača.
English fans attacked Serbian fans at a cafe in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, before Serbia takes on England today in #EURO2024.
The result?
The English fans quickly learned the meaning of “FAFO” as they had to scatter down the street like rats. pic.twitter.com/RLqS9UYg1z
— Aleks Djuricic (@AleksDjuricic) June 16, 2024
🇷🇸🏴 „Serbians, it’s the Serbians!!!“
Fight between Serb and English fans.
Apparently the English attacked a Serbian bar, but are now getting chased around the streets of the city. pic.twitter.com/LkxlvDDJjH
— DD Geopolitics (@DD_Geopolitics) June 16, 2024