NBA LIGA BRUJI: Dajte Bobanu da igra (FOTO)
Mada je u četiri navrata imao bolji učinak u NBA ligi, Marjanović je noćas odigrao najbolju partiju za Detroit Pistonse.
Tek treći put je srpski centar dobio više od 10 minuta igre u rosteru Pistonsa, i to se isplatilo Van Gandiju.
Za 22 minuta u pobedi nad Šarlotom, Marjanović je postigao 15 poena uz odličan procenat šuta – 75%. Bio je fenomenalan i pod obručem, imao je čak devet ofantivnih skokova i još 10 defanzivnih.
Ovakva rola Bobija naišla je na oduševljenje navijača u NBA, kao i samoj najjačoj ligi na planeti.
He’s up to 15p on just 4 shots and has pulled down 19 boards!
— NBA (@NBA) January 6, 2017
Boban’s stats in just 8 minutes: 10 Points, 10 Rebounds #NBAVote Boban Marjanovic
— All You Need Pistons (@pistons_24_7) January 6, 2017
Boban Marjanovic for MVP am I right #NBAVOTE
— PistonsThoughts (@PistonsThoughts) January 6, 2017
@DetroitPistons Great job Big Boban. Career night, 15pts 19reb
— Justin Schefter (@JaySchefter) January 6, 2017
Nice win for my #Pistons vs #hornets
The Boban Marjanovic said no way guys with his 1st double-double in 8 mins 😉👌🏀 15 Pts/19 Rbds 🙃#nba— Papa Poulikov (@PPoulikov) January 6, 2017
Pistons survive and escape Hornets on Boban’s big night – Sporting News https://t.co/ETo7T55d6e
— ⚡️Zennie Abraham⚡️ (@zennie62) January 6, 2017