SUZE U DENVERU: Povreda Nikole Jokića izazvala pravu histeriju (FOTO) (VIDEO)
O tome koliko su navijači Denvera zavoleli Nikolu Jokića možda najbolje pokazuju komentari nakon što je obelodanjeno da centar reprezentacije Srbije neće igrati ni večeras protiv Jute.
Jokić je propustio noćašnji susret protiv Hjustona, koji je njegov tim izgubio, a kako su navijači reagovali na informaciju da na njega neće moći da računaju ni protiv Džezera najbolje govore i ovi komentari:
Se confirma que #NikolaJokic será baja también esta noche frente a @SLCBlues 😫 #Nuggets
— Diggin’ in Denver (@DiggInDenver) December 3, 2016
@PrincePickaxe @Adam_Mares @KingOfThornton Basketball ecosystem is a delicate balance. Unfortunately, Jokic is more professional than Faried
— Justin Faudree (@SmoothsHoops) December 3, 2016
Nurkic has a chance to prove himself with Jokic out. The whole team had a chance to prove themselves last night and blew that though. So…
— Corey Carlson (@NORTHERE) December 3, 2016
@JBobitz Jokic might be one of my favorite players in the NBA
— Jared (@JerryMSus) December 3, 2016
A kako Jokić igra u svojoj drugoj sezoni, pogledajte na snimku ispod:
(Youtube/NBA Serbia)